Thereā€™ll always be someone who could replace me.

Deep down I know that Iā€™m insignificant & replaceable - hence I often have this bad habit of thinking low about myself & it affects my confidence.

Thoughts are often closer to a reality than actions, I listen to every thought that follows my actions, & at times see myself even lower afterwards.

Esp when itā€™s about love, as I believe that love is a verb, I just donā€™t think Iā€™m doing it right & good.

I did things I better not to, I find myself hoping for people to do things I donā€™t wanna do. Iā€™m aware of my insincerities but I do nothing about them. I know I can do better, that I can make things better.

& yet in the midst of my mediocrity & these facts - particularly about a rare someone - I still find myself hoping I could feel wanted, that Iā€™m significant & irreplaceable, for good.

For good.

The stones shop that I always passed everyday.

The fat cats that donā€™t seem to need street feeding anymore.

The hot curry that I ate at 3 AM.

The cold meal that I never thought I would enjoy eating.

The albums I played on my way home.

The playlists I made.

The movies I watched at night.

The lyrics that I was supposed to learn.

The scent of perfume that I always used.

The songs I discovered.

The cold wind that sweeped my skin.

The sweater that turned out couldnā€™t help to keep me warm.

The street light that I took picture of.

The sea of clouds I saw from the sky.

The sweet alcohol.

The crowded places.

The handmade peach cake.

The frustration of adventures with strangers.

The excitement, as well.

The intimate live music that I enjoyed so much.

The unusual fluffy thing inside a savory meal.

The stories about crush that I donā€™t often hear.

The new insights about how people live.

The omelet rice which kinda the only thing I could treasure.

The unsweetened ice coffeee in cold weather.

The sweetened ones or the hot ones, sometimes.

The sea at night.

And many more.

And many more, please.

(Warning: a super self-centered rant about the pandemic)

Iā€™m sick of this pandemic. Iā€™m tired of this routine. & I realize itā€™s not really because I want to meet people I know. Yes there are a few people that Iā€™m dying to meet & hangout with, but really the number is damn small I can even count em with my hand. All these times, I think things which spark my excitement mostly come from 2 sources: when Iā€™m really alone & when Iā€™m in ā€œadventuresā€. With this shitty pandemic, I need to sacrifice my sleeping time for the 1st one (thatā€™s why I often still up at 3 AM folks, some of you asked me before). & obviously Iā€™m currently not able to experience the 2nd one. I want to see more places. I want too meet more strangers with interesting personalities & ways of living. I want to go to concerts. I want to feel more feelings. Itā€™s so sad to think that I was supposed to experience my 1st solo trip this yearā€¦. not to mention those canceled concertsā€¦ I was sooo ready to experience sooo many feelings this year & the pandemic ruined em all. Also lately, I feel like time flies so fast. Itā€™s scary how 6 months++ have passed but the situation doesnā€™t get any better. Itā€™s currently one of my biggest worries I think, losing my time to this pandemic.

Just gotta put a quote that I like from a movie that I (kinda) dislike here

ā€œSometimes a thought is closer to truth, to reality, than an action. You can say anything, you can do anything, but you canā€™t fake a thought.ā€ - Iā€™m Thinking of Ending Things

When you are hoping for yourselfā€¦

ā€œI hope my feelings for you will never changeā€

ā€œI hope I wonā€™t cry watching this movieā€

I feel like Iā€™m hoping for someone else, not myself. I feel like I donā€™t have a full control of myself, that there is a part of myself that goes and does things by itself, and there I am hoping for that part of me to do things according to what I have planned in my brain.

I hate to admit this but it takes so much courage and energy to say things that I wanna sayā€¦ not just big things like voicing an argument in an important meeting, but even as simple as asking friends to go for lunch/offering them our food. Itā€™s not that deep down I donā€™t really wanna ask/offer them, but itā€™s just hard to effortlessly say those kind of things. I even often find myself rehearsing the sentences inside my head before I said itā€¦. Deep down Iā€™m afraid of their responses, will they accept my offer? Will they say letā€™s do it another time then we need to go through this again? Will there be a chance that my voice turns out to be too quiet that they wouldnā€™t hear me but the others could hear me & it would be super awkward?

"am i me through geography?"

Such a good question from The 1975ā€™s I Always Wanna Die (Sometimes) - one of my favs from them.

Just because we were born in certain places, does it mean that we need to love that place & everything in it? Even tho it seems like the society is telling us that way, but for me the answer is ā€” no. Canā€™t deny where weā€™re from & environment obviously play a part in shaping us, but itā€™s not an obligation. Actions & preferences are very personal, hence donā€™t put pressure in it. If you are defined by the things that you love ā€” then you could be you through geography, or you could be otherwise. Your choice.


Putting aside Lanaā€™s latest controversy which she called out some names out & also some of her art which criticized as ā€œglamorizing abuseā€ ā€” I just feel kinda agree with her that there needs to be a place in feminism (& in the world in general) for women whoā€™re often viewed as ā€œdelicateā€, ā€œsubmissiveā€, & ā€œpassiveā€. Not every woman has the abilities and/or desires to be an ā€œalphaā€, a leader, or an ambitious person in general. Whoā€™s so vocal about so many things & can speak words with a loud clear voice confidently. Who can directly argue with people who opposed feminism & throwing out sharp rebuttles. Who appears fearless & persuasive at most times.

I believe there are women whoā€™re naturally not born that way but willing to learn to be ā€œdominantā€ when itā€™s needed. I believe there are women whoā€™re more comfortable to communicate their thoughts through poetic words, songs, or other ā€œindirectā€ & ā€œnot to the pointā€ medias. I believe these women are not really weaker & less intelligent than the others. & I believe we need to have a place for these women. We need to hear these women too. Bcs sadly, as Lana stated, these womenā€™s voices are often taken away by ā€œstrongerā€ women or by men who hate women.

On a side note, I think what Lana does is just sharing her experience, thoughts & feelings through her songs. & I believe not every song has to have a ā€œpositiveā€ meaning. Many are just descriptions of moment & feelings, and as someone who rarely shares my problems to others, itā€™s really comforting to know that thereā€™s someone out there with similiar experience/thoughts. Iā€™m someone whoā€™s more often being comforted through songs, movies & mangas rather than people, so I really appreciate these types of arts. Itā€™s just my coping mechanism ā€” to often seek help from relatable sad songs/movies/mangas to cry with whenever I feel down. & some Lanaā€™s songs are part of them.

about loving yourself

People often say ā€œtreat others the way you want to be treatedā€. But for some people I think ā€œtreat yourself the way you treat people you loveā€ is more important.

Itā€™s often not easy to love & accept ourselves. However there are baby steps that we could try to practice: copying things we do for people we truly love & care about, but this time theyā€™re for ourselves.

For examples

1. Checking on yourself regularly: do I eat well? Am I healthy? then telling yourself: get enough sleep, eat healthier food. Also: buy yourself those vitamins, fruits, vegetables, yoga mat. These are common ways for humans to show that they ā€œcareā€ for others, right?

2. Letting yourself to ā€œfeelā€. If we often offer emotional support to our loved ones, offer yourself one. Be vulnerable & honest to yourself. Treat your failures kindly, but make sure youā€™re still on the right track. Remind yourself if there are things that just wonā€™t do.

The list could still go on & on. Well it might be hard for people who always think that they never really love people in the right way according to their expectation (re: me) but at leastā€¦. perhaps we could try not to treat ourselves worse than othersā¤ļø

On second thoughtā€¦. I believe itā€™s inaccurate to call em ā€œbaby stepsā€. They might be huge, hard, uncomfortable steps. But I hope theyā€™re still worth to try.

Funny how some people seem like theyā€™re ā€œcompetingā€ to be more miserable - to let people know that they suffer more which also make them to look down on othersā€™ problems as if theirs are more important & crucial & hard to solve. For a 5years old, not getting a candy might be a big suffering. For a student, getting a low mark might be a big suffering. People have different stages & problems in life; & they suffer differently also. Itā€™s something you canā€™t simply quantify & compare. Looking down at othersā€™ problem wonā€™t make you a better person also, so really whatā€™s the point?

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