sadness (again)

Sometimes itā€™s hard to accept the fact that Iā€™m sadā€¦ bcs I canā€™t help to think that being sad correlates with being weak. & it annoys me more that sometimes I could be sad & feel like shit with no particular reason. On those times I tend to find ā€œmediumsā€ that allows me to cry without feeling too weak.. like watching sad movies, reading sad mangas, or listening to sad songs. Sometimes I couldnā€™t even tell if Iā€™m crying bcs the movie is really sad or bcs Iā€™m originally sad in the first place. But it does help me to feel better.


Have you ever felt that youā€™re in need of being sad?

Yet you donā€™t really know why you are sad

Then you begin to search for mediums for you to cry & channel your sadness

You listen to breakup songs, you watch the saddest movies

& yes you cried a lot

But itā€™s still there,

The sadness.

Donā€™t know whether these are the right words to express my thought, but I once read an article on Medium titled ā€œPaul Graham: The Power Of Keeping Your Identity Small In A Changing Worldā€ & I was like ā€œthatā€™s what Iā€™m trying to do all these times!!!ā€. The article isnā€™t really about liking things & Iā€™m not even sure whether ā€œlikingā€ is the right word, but what I wanna say is that I always try to not being ā€œattachedā€ to only few things, & making sure I donā€™t have deep attachment towards things. Having many different things to do, many different things to like, many different priorities - these are what keeps me sane. Deep down I always ask myself ā€œwhat if you donā€™t have this/that?ā€ & I always try to make sure that the answer is not ā€œIā€™ll left with nothingā€.

I wanna be someone who says things that I really meanā€¦ at least at that time I really meant it. Donā€™t know why I often feel like many people donā€™t really mean what they say.. ex when giving compliments. I understand that giving compliments is good to make oneā€™s day happier but when people do it too frequently & often you wholeheartedly donā€™t think what they say is true, itā€™s kinda make you start to not believe in what they say anymore; donā€™t you think so? At that point I just understand & appreciate that they are nice people who like to say nice things with a good purpose, but I donā€™t believe in what they say.. & I wonā€™t say which one is better tho. I think itā€™s just different way of living life.

I feel like there are many people who prefer sharing their failures & sadness in a ā€œbeautifulā€ way, which is after they have passed it & got something better (ex those successful peopleā€™s stories about how hard their struggles back then). Somehow it creates a perception that our lowest points in our life need to be ā€œpackedā€ to look beautiful, while in fact THEY ARE NOT. Canā€™t say that Iā€™m not that type of person but Iā€™m currently learning to embrace my flaws, failures, sadness, lowest points in a more ā€œnot beautifulā€ way so people will feel like itā€™s ok to be not ok too. Ironically I still share it in form of art & Iā€™m still not sure how to do it in a completely not beautiful way.. (esp online) but I do believe it doesnā€™t have to be beautiful.

(not so) fun facts

1. I get really nervous everytime I need to speak in front of many people, to the point that my hands are shaking. Thatā€™s why I really hate talking with mic because it would be really obvious that Iā€™m nervous. And to overcome this, I always prepare scripts & exercise as often as I can before the D-day. Yes, Iā€™m not good at impromptu public speaking.

2. Iā€™m a very anxious person, to the point that sometimes I get anxious before meeting my close friends too, afraid that I canā€™t keep the conversation going smoothly. I get anxious when I want to share my food with others too. Sometimes I even prepare scripts just for casual talksā€¦. I really adore people who can naturally make people feel comfortable around them.

3. I overthink too many things, and can get stressed just because of small things. Then I will get more stressed because Iā€™m stressed with myself being stressed over small things.

4. Iā€™m frustrated by the fact that sometimes I canā€™t hold on my cheap tears that always come out suddenly, including those tears I shed when I was reading shoujo comics in Gramedia šŸ™‚ (while standing ofc)

5. I can change my mind very quickly. One second I think A is true but the next second I could think A is a bit unlogical so B is true. Iā€™m sorry if one day you see me being not consistent with what Iā€™m saying. Iā€™ll try my best to make sure that thereā€™s a legit reason behind all of that.

6. I easily forget things - including many important things that I supposed to remember.

7. Up til now I would still choose to disappear like a popped bubble if I could. (No reincarnation & people will forget that I ever exist) but since I know I couldnā€™t, Iā€™d like to live this life as best as I canā¤ļø

Wow turned out that all the fun facts are my weaknesses!

the 1975

I think itā€™s safe to say that the 1975 is one of few that validates many of my thoughts & feelings. Itā€™s the same exact band that talks about making sins & mistakes, using someone as a way to deal with your hardships, not wanting to commit but not wanting that someone to walk away either, feelings of wanting to die sometimes, falling in love, the urgency of climate change, as well as optimistic messages for current messy social & politic situations. & thatā€™s also exactly who we all humans are. At some points weā€™ll make sins & mistakes, but that doesnā€™t really make us unqualified to make this world a better place, or raising awareness about it. If itā€™s only the ones who never make sins whoā€™re qualified in making this world a better place, Iā€™m 100% sure that this world will never be a better place. & as thereā€™re tons of issues in this world that needs to be solved, itā€™s also pretty human to ā€œpickā€ which issues we really care for & actually do something about it, while making sins related to other issues. Iā€™m not saying that we shouldnā€™t feel guilty for our sinsā€¦. but I think we should ā€œhumanize sinsā€. In my opinion itā€™s healthy to feel guilty for our sins (or our future sins), but itā€™s not healthy to resent ourself so much for that. Next is either you try not to do the same, or you just accept that this is the sin thatā€™s worth to do. To be frank, this thinking kinda saves me all this time.

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