How Do I Really Know Whether I Have Moved On or not?

A question I used to ask myself A LOT.

June 19, 2021

Thereā€™s this one line from Jessie Jā€™s Who You Are that I like: Everyone is Bruising. A line that conveys that everyone has their own sadness, traumas, struggles, problems, or whatever you call it. There are light bruises - easy come, easy go. Donā€™t hurt that much. But there are also crippling bruises which caused a deep wound in our heart. And everyone has their own way to deal with theirs.

How I Deal with Mine

As someone who has a talent for suppressing my negative emotions immediately, growing up I was always surrounded by people who think that Iā€™m a strong and cheerful person. Usually even when Iā€™m feeling down, people wonā€™t notice and on the daily surface I would still act okay. I remember one of my exes once was angry because in the middle of our fight I could still joke around with my friends. I also remember I once had a traumatic event one morning but when I arrived at school I could tell my friends the event in a joking manner. Now that I look back, I guess joking around has always been my shield. I think Iā€™d cry if I tell it in a serious manner. Iā€™m also the type who always tries to keep myself busy so I donā€™t have time to sit down & think about things that bother me. I did so many things during my uni life to the point that Iā€™ve heard people telling me Iā€™m cool, but no my friends. Big part of it is just my way of coping up with life. I used to be so terrified at the thought of having free time.

The After-Effect

Aaand because of this talent, I have been confused about things I feel. Have I moved on? Am I really okay? Or am I too ignorant? But there were those days when I finally have time alone & being sentimental - I would think about all those piling bruises & teared up. Then Iā€™d be busy and suppress the bruises again, and the vicious cycle went on and on.

It took a pretty long journey for me to be more honest with myself - and finally determine what moving on from something really means.

Moving on means that when I sit down and thinking about particular bruises, Iā€™m not feeling blue anymore. Iā€™m not bothered by it anymore.

I will never forget, but those bruises wonā€™t have the power to bring me down anymore. it feels liberating. It would take much longer to move on if the bruises were caused by someone dear to me, but I believe that itā€™s the nature of humans, we tend to hurt the ones we love the most. Imagine if itā€™s a stranger vs your mom who tells bad things about you. Youā€™ll be hurt more if itā€™s your mom who says it. This belief helped me to put the matter in perspective.Ā 


If you asked me, how to move on? Honestly Iā€™m not really sure. There are bruises that I havenā€™t moved on from as well. I think I never really intentionally & consciously put an effort into moving on. Some things are harder when you put pressure on it, donā€™t you think so? But now that Iā€™m thinking about it, it might be because:

So.. I hope the bruises that I said I have moved on from will never bring me back to tears when I think about it. Also, I might let you know in the future when Iā€™m more sure about how to move on :)


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