I'm getting older.

November 5, 2022

I turned 26 recently. Now my age is closer to 30 than 20. Isnā€™t it crazy?
This year feels even more like golden daylight than last year- so I guess itā€™s safe to say that Iā€™m on the right track.
Anyway, here are some highlights of this year that I think are worth mentioning & sharing:


I become clearer about what I want & I donā€™t want.

ā€I used to firmly believe that ā€œNothing is worse than missing an opportunity that could have changed my life.ā€ Actually, I still believe it - but not to the same degree. When I was younger and much more clueless about what I like or what I want to do in life, the quote sure did help a lot for me to gain courage and try new things. However now it doesnā€™t feel that relevant anymore. ā€œLosing my precious time & energy to chase opportunities that I donā€™t really wantā€ doesnā€™t sound good either. There are way too many opportunities & I know it would drain me if I try to pursue them in the name of ā€œletā€™s try first and see later whether I really want it or notā€. I think I value my time and energy better now.


I developed a good habit to remind myself that everything will be okay even if I donā€™t get what I want.

ā€I do still have things that I want to achieve & am working towards them, but I think Iā€™m getting better at acknowledging that even what I have now is already enough. And this is my game-changer mantra this year. It has the power to lift up a lot of heaviness in my heart when Iā€™m anxious and feel like I donā€™t do things right or enough. I even made it into a phone wallpaper that I would set every time I feel anxious:

Thereā€™s a song that also helps to remind me of this. I listen to it a lot this year.

ā€œDon't try to have them all
There's nothing more to have
We got stars up in the sky
There's nothing more to wantā€
- Rich Kids Anthem by Epik Hgh feat. Lee Hi


Iā€™m getting better at living with uncertainties.ā€

I remember last year I was having a hard time living with uncertainties. I wanted a definite answer to some things related to other people and the future. I pushed them to help me find the answers. I like to keep things open, but somehow there were some things that I wanted to close immediately. And when I was living like that, enjoying the presence felt like an impossible task. This year Iā€™m trying to not worry too much about the uncertainties and live more at the moment. Of course the uncertainties and the worries are still there, Iā€™m just getting better at handling them. I keep reminding myself that especially when a matter involves others people in the equation, it becomes something thatā€™s harder for me to control. & what I need to do is to focus on things that I can control instead of pushing others to give me the answers Iā€™m dying to know. ā€œOk so I know there are uncertainties and I will not know the answer soon. So is this uncertainty worth it? Should I stay or leave? Itā€™s still worth it and I want to stay? Then letā€™s use the Ā precious time we have to enjoy the moment instead of worrying about the uncertainties.ā€


Living alone is my best decision this year.

Numerous people questioned me why I choose to live alone in a city where my family also resides, especially cause my place is actually quite close to my familyā€™s home. In general the answer is to create an environment that can support my mental health and peaceful mind better. I believe by knowing what drains our energy & what energizes us is a very important 1st step in creating a supportive environment. I know that constantly being around people makes me feel suffocated. Yet as a social creature I still need meaningful connections with people. I feel like I canā€™t be totally relaxed & rest assured unless when Iā€™m really alone. By living alone I can manage better to have enough space & time to be with myself - reserving enough energy & mental space to communicate with other people when I go out.

As you might already know, what we feel and the way we see life can change in a blink of an eye. I donā€™t know whether in the future I could resonate with what I wrote today, but this is who I am today. :)

Cheers to being 26 and I hope I could have a more peaceful life ahead!


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